Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Back In London...

...and it still hasn't sunk in.

For the last couple of mornings, I've enjoyed that indescribable experience in which you wake up before your mind has a chance to slot into place the events of the past day or two. Thus I'm treated to a few seconds of normality before the onrush of euphoria. It's a great way to wake up.

After much deliberating, we got the train back to London last night. We'd been down in our sunny hometown for a long weekend, but Liz has to go back to work. I don't envy her; at least when I go back into the office I won't have to explain to 30 five year olds what the shiny rocks on my finger signify. I had planned to stay down with my folks for a few more days but the prospect of putting Liz on a train back to the capital on her own felt pretty terrible. Anyone who's read His Dark Materials will know what I mean when I say it felt rather like Lyra and Pantalaimon parting.

But we're back, and now that Liz has gone to work, our flat feels really big. We've been coming round to the conclusion that we don't need a flat this size for the past few months, and as I sit here on the 'puter it just feels cavernous. Very glad we're moving into a cosy little one bed soon.


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