Thanks to everyone that joined us in Greenwich on Saturday. It was a great day, and was lovely to see you all. The cloudy dorset cider may have dulled my senses towards the end of the day, but I think I remember everything except getting to bed.
Liz and I were very impressed by your collective gingerbread man design skills. The photos are all on Flickr now; I'll let you pick the winner (if anyone has any gingerbread photos which I'm lacking, send them over!).
I'm completely sold on London parks now. It's not hard to grasp what Damon Albarn was singing about all those years ago when you take a look around Greenwich park on a Saturday afternoon. Didn't see many pigeons or sparrows, though. Shame.
Liz and I have moved now, and so far we're loving the new, smaller flat. Our 2nd floor windows look out across leafy East London, and there's so much sun in our little homestead right now that electricity is but a distant memory x